With the holidays coming up, people are starting to think about how they can help people who are less fortunate than themselves, whether it’s local, national or global.
THE PROJECT'S GOAL IS TO Design an experience that will help users select a nonprofit that will fit theIR beliefs, attitudes and worldviewS.
What is NeedFeed?
NeedFeed is a mobile app that allows philanthropists curate their shortlist of nonprofit organizations that support the causes they care about. NeedFeed users are 40-55 year old philanthropists, prefer anonymous giving, competitive and goal-centric.
The app provides advanced search and filter functions that let users select nonprofits according to geography, financials, and operations. The app also lets users donate anonymously and conveniently using smartphone wallet integration.
Design Strategies
Clean user interface
For Gen X users, the more straightforward the app can be, the better. Animations are kept to a minimum and solid colours are used as background for searching and giving prompts. Lengthy lines of text are divided into sections that could be scrolled horizontally.
Extensive search and filter feature
Search section is able to search keywords of cities, causes, people, and many more. The Filter feature is able to refine results accurately, ensuring that users are able to find a nonprofit that match their preferences.
The user can tailor search results using the following filters: nonprofit category, location, nonprofit values & priorities, seal of transparency, no. of population served, no. of employees, revenue, total expenses, total assets, gross receipts, year founded
Anonymous and convenient giving
For users who prefer giving anonymously, they can do so by logging in anonymously. Anonymous use of the app does not create a profile for the user hence the nonprofit will not be able to thank and update the donor via direct messaging. The donor will hear from the nonprofit via snippets of news in the nonprofit’s profile.
The app supports mobile wallet. This eliminates the need for the users to input banking details every time they give.
In the future
NeedFeed still needs further development. The app was showcased for users who prefer giving anonymously. The next iterations of the app will have a user login using their Google account, meaning the app will need to develop the Profile tab in the navigation bar. In the future, the nonprofit’s profile will have additional sections such as operations (officers, directors, trustees, and key employers, organizational demographics (leader’s race and ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability status), and other information that can influence user to choosing or filtering out the nonprofit.
The design and placement of the ‘Add to need feed’ button is subject to reconsideration. The app background and the glass aesthetic is purely the designer’s choice and would benefit from beta testing with target audience.
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